Duane K: we should celebrate t…
/in tweetsDuane K: we should celebrate the things that make Hawaii special and it’s the people. #pace
Duane K: our mission is to hel…
/in tweetsDuane K: our mission is to help Hawaii rediscover local style. #pace
Best part about the #pace pane…
/in tweetsBest part about the #pace panel is their wonderful display of what makes local Hawaii culture great. Go Hilo boys!
Barry T: grandparents taught m…
/in tweetsBarry T: grandparents taught me that we have to take care of the community because the community takes care of us #pace
Alan Ikawa shares an extremely…
/in tweetsAlan Ikawa shares an extremely personal moment of “looking for a bridge to jump off of” in his history #pace
Alan I: in college they don’t …
/in tweetsAlan I: in college they don’t tech you about failure; you have to learn that on your own #pace
Alan Ikawa shows classic local…
/in tweetsAlan Ikawa shows classic local culture with great humility. shares his “I’m not worthy” views. #pace
Barry T literally became Ceo o…
/in tweetsBarry T literally became Ceo of KTA superstores because of an “accident” where the ceo-to-be was killed in a car accident #pace
Barry Taniguchi : my family bu…
/in tweetsBarry Taniguchi : my family businesses is now 95 years old so I am not an entrepreneur like these other guys #pace