Got Playstation? Hello, you got hacked.

If you’re a Playstation Network user, you need to read the below. I’m an Xbox user and unfortunately cannot assist. Best of luck. This is going to incredibly stink for Sony. Dare we call it the kiss of death for Playstation, especially online multiplayer?

Sony’s PlayStation Network has been down for nearly a week, and the company finally admitted that an  unauthorized person had stolen personal information belonging to 77 million account holders.

Sprint launching Nexus S 4G

For those of who want the “pure” Android experience, the Nexus S 4G will connect to Sprint’s WiMax network. I have the Sprint EVO 4G and though I’m very satisfied with the phone and use the 4G WiMax network often, I will probably take a very, very serious look at Verizon’s LTE network next year when my Sprint contract ends. Why? While I love the WiMax network, it’s really a second network that you have to turn on and off. It’s almost like wifi. I want my phone connected to a high speed network all the time. I don’t want to have to tell my phone to “connect” to the 4G network. I want 4G everywhere. WiMax doesn’t do that and I personally believe that because it requires a conscious switching on/off is why phones like the Nexus S and EVO 4G do NOT have video chat on Skype.


Facebook going after Groupon and the “Social Deals” market.

This will be one the first real test for Facebook’s (perceived?) greatness. While FB has absolutely decimated social networking competitors like MySpace (who?) and Friendster (what?), those scenarios were more like horseraces to the top rather than pull down the king of the hill.

This time it’s different. The social deals market already has reasonably entrenched competitors like Groupon and LivingSocial with large infrastructure and serious market penetration. Facebook is going to have to fight for this one. Let’s see what happens. May the best company win. (Gosh I love free markets)


Is your fav website down? Could be Amazon’s fault

Amazon’s cloud service “EC2” which powers many big web site brands, crashed and is apparently still crashing and burning. Not much you can do other than wait for your favorite sites to come back up. As an IT guy, I feel sorry for them. It totally sucks when servers go down and it’s even worse when those servers don’t come back up. If you’re affected, pretend the power went out. Read a book. Go outside and soak some sun. Smell the roses. Take a friend out to lunch. The world will resume after this brief technical interlude


Your iPhone is recording your location

This is very troubling. Why would Apple purposely record, store, and even backup your location data? No answer yet, but that won’t be the case for long. Public outcry will demand Apple answer to this and I can’t imagine a trivial justification for this massive privacy invasion and security risk.

hey thanks man! really apprec…

hey thanks man! really appreciate it! RT @DaStigg: @peterkay Always a great show

More govt. programs or lower t…

More govt. programs or lower taxes? Debate this live call-in #tcot

NOT AN OPTION! get online! RT …

NOT AN OPTION! get online! RT @DShimogawa: Neither! RT @peterkay Your preference: higher taxes or less govt? #tcot

Your preference: higher taxes …

Your preference: higher taxes or less govt? Debate this live with call-in top of hour #tcot

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Join me at the top of the hour talking about Liberty and Limited Goverment #tcot LIVE with call-in