I’m at the Hawaii Spinout Summ…
I’m at the Hawaii Spinout Summit where geeks and VCs are meeting. Will do my best to tweet richly.
I’m at the Hawaii Spinout Summit where geeks and VCs are meeting. Will do my best to tweet richly.
don’t let facts get in the way! RT @Richfuel: RT @johngarcia Obama’s birth announcement http://bit.ly/cj9yB
ooh ooh those days of late nighters as the office! Can’t say I miss it. RT @ChunLum @AngelaKeen will prob leave the office soon.
IMO force ppl to disclose their real names, like LTE. RT @georgettedeemer: Comments could be constructive, no.
that is absolutely the cesspool of online “community” RT @georgettedeemer: anyone monitor comments on news stories?
definitely! LMK when your s/w goes beta. I’ll help test. RT @jahbini: Good to link up even for a moment at the techhui
Hawaii could sure benefit from a 2 party system. RT @DylanNonaka: The tide is changing. http://bit.ly/OIpeB
no. just inspects CSS/HTML code. very handy for geeks. RT @lavasusan: Does the Chrome object inspector view pdfs?
off the top of Ala Moana Hotel. wow. RT @damontucker: CRAZY Man jumping on Oahu! http://tinyurl.com/kmt93z
NUTS! RT @damontucker: CRAZY Man jumping out of Tall Buildings on Oahu! http://tinyurl.com/kmt93z